2012-10-17 New Poll
The Codex has recently posted their interview with us, so please check it out to get the inside scoop: http://ultimacodex.com/2012/10/the-ultima-codex-presents-an-interview-with-team-forgotten-world/
Also, FirstKnight has sent in an update to the Codex about BB with a preview of the terrain he has been working work, which includes three major landmass additions: the Western Deep Forest Region/West of Yew territory, a new mountainous region that occupies the region formerly known as the Drylands, and an all new Verity Isle complete with the town of Moonglow. The team is very excited by the work that he is doing and we are all looking forward to the screenshots that will be coming starting next month.

Cove East (already known)
Yew West
Old Moonglow
Each of these areas will have to be visited to finish the main plot. For example: in Cove the shrine is now located in the very east of the new area. Also, Morganna is to be found somewhere on the way to the shrine.
Similar things are planned for Yew West (Empath Abbey) and Old Moonglow (at least also the shrine).
Screens of the new areas and of new created textures will be shown once every month from now on, beginning November 2012.
In other news, Hawkwind has been making some excellent progress with the editor, so expect some updates about that in the coming weeks with some Awesome screenshots.
And finally, we are posting a new poll. The old poll asked you what minor features you would to see implemented in FW. Karma penalties for stealing won out, but it was a close race with Item Crafting, Functional Inns, and GUMP-interfaced cabinets. All of which we would like to add at some point if possible.
With our last couple of patches, we have managed to squash most bugs previously mentioned in polls. Even so, I have a list of over 100 things to fix (excluding simple NPC scheduling fixes). Some of these fixes are really minor and others are far more involved and significant. So we are again asking you which bugs we are to target next:
- The Covetous Elevator seems to work for the most part, but good luck revisiting Covetous. The buttons appear to only work once, making up-and-down movement potentially disastrous for a playthrough. I intend to fix these elevator so that you can visit any floor as often as you want. Is this an important bug fix for the next patch?
- Skeletons are a nightmare in the game. They are painful to deal with even one-on-one, have the ability to reconstitute themselves, and can bug out a game. Taking a bone (the same bone everytime) is definitely an effective strategy, but placing objects in your backpack (especially repetitively) can sometimes lead to game crashes. On top of all of this is the fact that some skeletons come from respawn points leading to a big mess of bones and more bugginess. So I am proposing to remove their spawn points entirely from Covetous and most everywhere else at some point. Will that point be now or later?
- Another bug I hear about often is the Jordan-Flann-Valoria Shipwreck scripting bug. Is this one that people want to see fixed urgently?
- A bug that I have posted before is the Valoria-Signal Flare scripting bugs. It is also a few hit or miss sequence, but one that seems to be less annoying for players. Is this a bug people want to see fixed by the next patch?
- Another major bugged out sequence is the Aidon-Rat-Peg Leg Joe sequence. While this sequence seems to rarely work especially on more recent playthroughs, it is one I seem to forget about very easily. Is it also one you forget about a lot or one that really soils your playthrough?
- Not only does Moonglow suffer from crashes, but it is full of little issues from scripting to balancing. Some of the fixes that I would work on include reverting the Sage’s house (that lighthouse like structure with the boy who cried bandit) at a certain point after it is ransacked, adding alchemy sets throughout the town, adding food, filling out Mariah’s house and a few other areas, fixing Deceit so that you could actually re-enter it, expanding the library of the floating ‘Lycaeum’, and several more very minor fixes. So are these fixes (excluding the crash fixes) of significant interest for the next patch?
So those are the poll options. The option that wins will be included in the next patch with second and third place options being probables.
– Iceblade