2007-11-10 Team Forgotten World announces use of OGRE & new screens

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We’ve been quite silent over the last months and we haven’t had a lot to show. The reason for this is that we changed the code basis of our world editor. The old version (screenshots of which have been in our gallery) was written using direct OpenGL. We are now using the Object-Oriented Graphics Engine OGRE for displaying graphics which allows for easier and faster development.

To demonstrate how easily certain techniques can be incorporated with Ogre, we’ve created a screenshots of Buccaneer’s Den (in the foreground) and Terfin (in the background) with shader-driven water as it is often seen in recent 3d games. You can find it in our gallery!  (See the 22th Legacy Screenshot, the 21st is an earlier and originally not released version)

– Hawkwind

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