2007-06-07 FAQ update – new team opening

  • hightex1
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In our FAQ section, we are claiming to try our best to make Ultima 9 “a better Ultima” and people were wondering what we mean by that. We have now begun with lifting this secret and added a new entry to our FAQ section containing information about our future plans.

Ultima 9’s original engine had much more capabilities than were actually used. For example, the engine featured support for 256×256 pixel textures, but most of the textures were in a lower resolution. The biggest performance boost can be achieved by replacing the 128×128 ground and water textures by 256×256 ones. Two new screenshots show how this “high-res Ultima” looks like. You can find them in the screenshot section! Please note: This is just a demonstration and has nothing to do with how the final mod will look like. We will not drop support for transitions between different kinds of textures (which was left out for simplicity reasons), nor are we going to use exactly these textures. They were taken from a Morrowind texture pack by courtesy of Qarl who created them. Thanks to him for that! (See the 18th and 19th Legacy Screenshots)

Due to the announced alteration of the plot, we are now also looking for someone very familiar with the Ultima lore. So if you feel you are an Ultima expert, check out the team page for more information and let us hear of you!

– Hawkwind

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