2011-08-30 The Good, The Bad, and The Not So Ugly

Hello friends,


I have some good news.  Hawkwind is now back and work is starting again on our World Builder tool, which is very significant news since the last version of the Editor was back in 2009.


Unfortunately, there is some bad news too.  I am entering the busiest semester of my academic career in a week or so, which means my time for U9 research and tool development will become negligible until December.  Even so, I will still be posting some tidbits of news and overall managing the website during that time.


What is Not So Ugly are the property and trigger types.  A lot of progress has been made to identify what each type does as well as what its parameters mean.  In addition, much of this information has been carefully organized into our internal wiki for easy reference and expansion, which makes tool development and later world building that much easier.  This is significant as the game world is as much defined by object properties and triggers as it is an object’s associated usecode.  For example, a lever’s usecode may tell it to pivot the “stick” and send an On signal, but it is the trigger that defines what that On signal does.


Until next time.

– Iceblade

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