Category: News

2013-01-21 New Commentary

Well friends, I have finished my next entry for our Ultima IX commentary.  This entry takes us through Stonegate and discusses Ultima IX’s magic and attribute in detail with comparisons to systems from prior...

2013-01-16 Still Here

Hail and well met, So around October, I found myself sucked into community for Star Citizen.  Luckily that subsided a few weeks ago and I’ve returned to Ultima.  So what have I been doing...

2012-10-17 New Poll

The Codex has recently posted their interview with us, so please check it out to get the inside scoop: Also, FirstKnight has sent in an update to the Codex about BB with a...

2012-08-26 GOG and New Patch

Hail Milords, Miladies and Freedmen I’m sure you have all heard of the final GOG release for the Ultima series with Ultima IX. Unfortunately, it lacks our patches, but that can be easily rectified...

2012-07-25 New Poll and Patch Update

Hello everybody, I recently found where I had already compiled the patched files, and the patch is now being given a reasonably thorough beta testing.  Expect a release sometime in August. The patch includes...


2012-06-01: External News: BB Progress Update

{Note: post made in 2024 based on comments made in 2012 in a News post about U9 Redemption} Firstknight posted an brief update regarding Beautiful Britannia in a news post about U9 Redemption’s transition...

2012-03-07 New Members and Progress

Hail friends and countrymen, Lend me thine ears, for there is much I must relate. First in the news, we have several new members that have joined the team in past month.  Axiom has...