Centuries ago during the time of the Shadowlords, three small farming communities lay to the east of Britain nominally called North, East, and West Britanny or collectively the Britannys. Following the return of Lord...
Centuries ago during the time of the Shadowlords, three small farming communities lay to the east of Britain nominally called North, East, and West Britanny or collectively the Britannys. Following the return of Lord...
On the high wall in the Museum of Britannia lath a tapestry that tells the tale of the Avatar from the Ages of Darkness through Britannia’s enlightened ages to the current period and beyond. ...
All great cultural movements require role models to help society maintain proper focus, so Lord British issued a call for an individual to show the people the way of virtue. Years passed with few...
With the kingdom firmly established and evil vanquished, an era of peace and introspection began. It was here that Lord British set out edicts designed to foster the material and spiritual growth of society. ...
Though the great evils were vanquished, many cities were in ruin or destroyed and the legacy of Mondain, Minax, and Exodus remained to terrorize the land. The remainder of the Sosaria’s people was spread...
For some time, the Lands of Lord British saw relative peace as the people rebuilt their homes and lives from the times of cataclysm and war. This peace was not to last as a...
Following the death of Mondain and destruction of the Sun Ruby Gem, a great upheaval occurred as the Lands of Lord British were reshaped and the other three continents of Sosaria seemingly vanished from...
Though bested, Mondain’s reign of terror was not over. He journeyed to the continent known as the Lands of the Dark Unknown to continue his dark works. While there, he created dark creatures and...
At the start of the First Age of Darkness, Mondain – second born of Wolfgang, a great king and wizard of old – wished to gain his brother’s inheritance, and so slew his father...
While many journals and guides published over the past few centuries have included an historical section, these texts have been woefully brief and overly simplified. Even our historical tomes are lacking in much needed...