Author: Iceblade


Happy Anniversary to Ultima IX

As posted by WithstandTheFury Dragon, Ultima IX is reaching its 25 anniversary since its original release way way back in 1999, though the internet isn’t very certain which day it was released Nov 22nd?...


2024-10-20 Website Cleaned and Fully Imported

The website is now completely transferred over with all of the old screenshots, links, pages, and data now available and easily accessible. Most all of our old screenshots have been uploaded and organized into...


2024-10-02 Patch 1.20 Progress

We are progressing with the testing and fixing work. Leeland’s quest line finally works cleanly and correctly from first bothersome conversation to that last sheepish cry about his highly effective caster founder who easily...


2024-09-02 Ultima IX Patches Project Moving Forward

Hail Dragons and Ultima Travelers! The FW Team is glad to officially welcome Sethanon and GWChapman to team. These new members will be thoroughly testing our current bug fixes as well as older, somewhat...


2024-08-29 Ultima IX Patches Project – Recruitment

Hail and well met Ultima Fans. The Ultima IX Patches Project has made significant progress over the years, but its development has been the work of just one individual (myself) ever since the tools...


Humble Ruins

Keelhaul! At this point, all roads point to New Magincia, but how do we get there.  Oh hey, its right over there, the Avatar should be able swim that… Okay! Then how about we...

Patch 1.20

Patch 1.20

Total Issues: 60 Complete: 51 Partial: 9 Not Started: 0 Serious: 1 Serious: 1 Serious: 0 Major: 5 Major: 4 Major: 0 Minor: 9 Minor: 1 Minor: 0 NPC Focused: 8 NPC Focused: 1...


2022-09-10 Focusing on Tighter Goals

Hello everyone, As some of you may have noticed, I have found myself back into writing my commentaries on Ultima IX. These commentaries have become much more long form treatises than my initial posts....


Hive of Scum and Villainy

Buccaneer’s Den Past and Present Long have the pirates of Britannia been a thorn in the sails of honest merchants and valorous adventurers.  During the Ages of Enlightenment, these rogues of the waves (who...


Ocean Travel with a Boat

Before we take our trip to the next station in this plot railroad, I wanted to take a step out of the normal fabric of time to discuss several important elements of Ultima 9...