2024-09-02 Ultima IX Patches Project Moving Forward

Hail Dragons and Ultima Travelers!

The FW Team is glad to officially welcome Sethanon and GWChapman to team. These new members will be thoroughly testing our current bug fixes as well as older, somewhat tested bug fixes. Their exercising of the bug fixes along with analysis of the U9 scripts will prove invaluable in finishing out the remaining 9 bugs and preparing Patch 1.20 for release in the coming months.

Beyond just bug testing, we wish to train new team members in how to understand Ultima IX’s scripting engines as well our learn how to use our tools. Once U9 Patch 1.20 is released, work will begin on Patch 1.21.

Additionally, we still seek programmers capable of developing our Ogre 3D-based U9 Map Editor into a more complete map editor for Terrain Edits and full object property editing. If you are interested, please contact us over on the UDIC Discord server or email us at forgottenworld2 at yahoo.

Fair thee well!

Iceblade Dragon

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1 Response

  1. September 5, 2024

    […] Ultima 9 — has been dormant for around a decade. However, as of late last month, Iceblade has announced what he is calling the Ultima IX Patches Project, and is looking for people to join his […]

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