2014-03-15 Meanwhile in Britannia

Today marks the 20th anniversary of the release of Ultima VIII. That journey that the Avatar took, quite unwillingly, in the sunless realm of Pagan.  This journey will see the Avatar follow much darker paths and face his greatest moral quandary: remain on Pagan and allow the Guardian to add more worlds and power to his domain or doom the people of Pagan in the hopes of seeking out and stopping the Guardian.


Meanwhile in the far fairer lands of Britannia. The kingdom continues to recover from the days of the Fellowship and Imbalance.  At the present time, we find the Revocanda has scarce seen any breakthroughs and Mariah now adventures to find the missing Moonstones.  Join her in the first of a series of books simply titled the Recovery of the Moonstones.  Volume 1: The Stone of Compassion


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