2014-03-04 Welcome to version 3.0
Welcome Forgotten World and Beautiful Britannia followers to the our new site.

We have finally upgraded Joomla and with it we have made some changes to improve your browsing experience whether it be computer or mobile. We have created an account with Google plus for our screenshots, with an embedded gallery designed for both computer and mobile visitors. In addition, we can have implemented a menu bar across the top of the site with multi-layer drop down submenus. Must of the site structure itself is centered around our two projects and our combined efforts for modding Ultima IX.
With the transition, we have lost our poll feature and at present we will not be implementing a new one. So for the last poll from our 2.0 site, it appears that there is more interest in new special weapons over other minor feature additions; though, there were a few votes for cooking recipes.
No more news at present, but we will have something to show you soon.