2014-01-12 A New Year

Hello folks,


So a new year has dawned and Forgotten World sits with limited progress.  As some of you may have seen, FirstKnight released some screens of his progress with Beautiful Britannia. If you haven’t seem to yet, you can check it out here: http://ultimacodex.com/2013/12/beautiful-britannia-takes-us-to-moonglow-for-the-new-year/


One of the bigger issues that is impacting the future of Forgotten World (at least when it comes to the U9 story/NPC overall part) is that we do not have an engine coder that can work on creating a DLL hack for the game’s usecode.  Effectively a DLL Hack is a DLL that you have written that is called by the engine.  For more information about DLL hacking, you can read this quick tutorial:   http://hcl.solsector.net/exe_dll/dll_patches.txt .  If you are a C++ coder who would be interested in assisting us with some DLL hacking, you can contact us at   forgottenworld2 (at) yahoo [dot] com.


More news will be coming within the month.


– Iceblade

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