2012-03-07 New Members and Progress

Hail friends and countrymen, Lend me thine ears, for there is much I must relate.


First in the news, we have several new members that have joined the team in past month.  Axiom has joined our Forgotten World design team and brings industry experience in design and worldbuilding.  In addition, Blu3vib3 (a major contributor to the Codex Wiki) has offered to write some fairly ‘pedantic’ books to flesh out Britannia in Forgotten World.  In addition, Lord Eternal Dragon has just joined this past week.  He brings industry worldbuilding and coding experience and will act in multiple capacities including tool development, worldbuilding/design, and some 3D modeling (buildings and simple objects). Progress on Forgotten World’s designs continues with significant developments in Trinsic amongst other much more widespread story details.


In the world of dev tools, work is starting up on a tool to export and import 3d models, which will be developed by Lord Eternal Dragon.  While it will be a while before work starts on adding or changing 3D models, there will be some new building models incorporated to the game in-time  (some might even show up in Beautiful Britannia). Also, it would appear that the nonfixed object writer code for our editor is functional now.  We can’t find any more crashes with the resulting rewritten file, but we want to be sure that the rewritten nonfixed files don’t have bugs in them.  As such, we are sending out a call for testers to replay and run around Britannia to let us know if you find the game crashing in unusual locations/ways on the surface map. All you have to do is replace the nonfixed.9 in your runtime folder with the nonfixed.9 found within this download:  http://www.ultimaaiera.com/?dl_id=744 http://ultima9.ultimacodex.com/?wpdmact=process&did=MjQ5LmhvdGxpbms= and report back to us crashes you find.


Finally, don’t forgot to vote in our poll.

– Iceblade

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