2011-07-22 New Books for Ultima IX

Hail to thee travelers,


The Librarians of the Britannia seek new additions for their shelves.  Over the next several months, we will be taking submissions for novels, songs, tales, self-help, and daily living texts to add to the available list of books for various locations around Britannia.  Already, work is starting to fill out the list with books from Ultima 6 and 7, but more tomes are needed.


It is up to you how far you wish to develop the book.  It can be a lengthy short story (though we would prefer if you kept it below 10 double-space pages), plot summary, excerpt from a daily living, occupational or self-help text, or a full guide of recipes.  If your recipes or crafting ideas are worth-while they made be added as a scriptable event in-game similar to the bread-making feature.  If you want to write a fictional tale (either full length or a plot summary), we do ask that you write something original rather than summarize the plot of a real novel.  


The kinds of text that we are looking for are the following: (note:  * – indicates that we have a need for these kinds of books, ** – means that we need a lot of books of this kind)


Fiction (mainly short story length rather than plot summary)

* Adventure tales (stories that occurred in Britannia involving an adventurer but with some possible exaggeration)

* Nonfictional (within the Ultima Universe) narratives or histories

Daily living/self-help

* Recipe books or guides



** Geographical (either history of a location or descriptive)

* Magic-related (regarding alchemy, wands, spells, mages, etc.)

War (ie books on weapons and fighting)

** Ships and Sea-navigation

* Study of literature (books on analyzing or writing literature)

* Music or theater related (plays, dance styles, lyrics; just no actual sheet music)

** Monks (texts regarding monks, namely those from Empath Abbey)

** Governmental archives (Court of Justice, records of deeds, minutes from meetings of the Great Council or any other council from the various towns, etc.)



So if you submit something, then as long as it fits and doesn’t contradict Ultima lore, it will be added to the book list.  And when you make a submission, please include the name you want displayed for the book’s author, the kind of book it is, and approximately when it was written in relation to the games (pre-U5, post-SI, etc.). 

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