2010-12-10 Mesh Viewer

Ah December, what a wonderful month. Welcome again friends.


I have finishnd my last exam, so I have plenty of time available over the next few weeks, so stay tuned every Friday for special goodies.


Now for this week’s Awesome screen, I present an screenshot of the current incarnation of our Mesh Viewer.  As any interested programmers should note, much of the ground work for our primary editor is completed except for the editing of file information.   We have made great strides in the best few months in defining many of the remaining unknowns of the map files, so the task of finishing the editor is largely implementation rather than map file decoding.


So we still very much need a C++ programmer.  Also, we have a need for a texture artist.


Well, not much else to report at the moment, but check back next week for another awesome screen.


– Iceblade

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