2010-11-26 Being thankful for extra Screenshots
Hail, well met, and Happy Thanksgiving,
I would like to welcome to the team Chris Hopkins who created the parody Ultima IV Pt. 2. He will be our Pascal Coder for our secondary tools, and from what I’ve seen of the parody, I feel confident that we will see some great new features to our toolkit.
Now onto this week’s Awesome Screen (#4). Firstknight’s Beautiful Britannia work has yielded some interesting additions in more than just the flora. Take a look at the screenshot for Britain and let me know (via the comments at Aiera) what you think is different.

Work on the Patches project has been a little slow of late due to real life. Fortunately, the semester ends on December 3, so expect a lot of awesome during the weeks before Christmas.
– Iceblade