2010-10-24 Ultima IX Patch 1.19f.01

Hello Ultima Fans,
I had done some updating of the website to more specifically indicate Forgotten World’s Goals and Plans. Two notably additions I’d like to point out: the Ultima IX Patches project for the patching of Ultima IX without making any story or plot changes, and a Downloads page containing links to download the Ultima IX patches as well as our own releases, which is being graciously hosted by Withstand the Fury Dragon at Ultima Aiera.
Speaking of releases, you can now download our first Ultima IX patch, which fixes the music bugs in Minoc, Valoria, and Skara Brae. A readme is provided with further details and notes. The one caveat to this music fix is that unfortunately the music does not change immediately upon cleansing a shrine, so you have to clear out the music by leaving the vicinity of the town or flushing the music (note this second option is less reliable). We will correct this minor issue in a later patch.
Now, we would like to know which bug you would like to see fixed next. So vote in our poll to the right (currently you have to click results and then use the drop-down box to access the next poll). The bugs we are looking into next are located in Valoria (Demons not being slain bug and the bug with the signal flare), Minoc (the confrontation with Blackthorn), and Moonglow (the Moonglow Elevator Bug and disappearance of Mariah). If we can get Mariah working properly, Jaana will also be corrected.
I will be updating the Screenshots page as well over the next few days. I did add a couple of screenshots. First, some of you might know how hard it is actually make a decent map of New Magincia in-game (taking aerial pictures of the island), in fact, it is essentially impossible to get a good picture and a composite just looks terrible. Well I decided to go ahead and make a map of the island using our very own editor. The map is currently uploaded to our screenshots page (sans labels). (Legacy 24/25) There is another screenshot that I uploaded that is actually one I took years ago. I found it rather amusing and kind of apt given breakthrough we’ve made toward decoding Ultima IX. The caption reads “I fought U9, and I won (2006).” (Legacy 26)
Well, that is the end of this update, if you have any comments or questions feel free to discuss them at our forum or in the comment section for this update at Ultima Aiera.
– Iceblade, Maker of Maps and Fixer of Triggers